Monday, October 29, 2007

This weekend I.........

Went to a Halloween party at my cousins house it was really really fun we had about 4 contests and i won about two how i won one is by singing because we had a talent show and my singing was the best out of every ones talents some they sang and some they did their own thing. Another thing i won was bye guessing what stuff that was in three bags.We also danced a lot and that was another contest we did but my cousin won that one she is a really good dancer but anyways we had a lot of food, candy, and drinks.
That was the funnest thing i did this weekend.
O wait i forgot another fun thing i did this weekend but only for a few minutes is hang out with my Friend Lexi But why i say for a few minutes is because for the first few hours i had to hang out with her cousin Chance and her other cousin Dylan then when he went and picked her up and she came to their house i finally got to hang out with her for a few because in twenty minutes i had to go home so that is how long i got to hang out with her.

Sincerely yours
Amity Dow

1 comment:

*rockstar* said...

hey best friend forever
im aewesomely awesome!!!
so are you and LaDara!!!love yah to byezz